Home > Individual Result
Race Number | 1278 |
Date | 25/06/2017 |
Gender | Male |
Gender Position | 154 of 193 |
Category | MOPEN |
Category Position | 73 of 92 |
Club | |
Swim | 00:20:01 |
Stage Position | 160 |
T1 | 00:02:53 |
Stage Position | 167 |
BL1 | 00:22:41 |
Stage Position | 225 |
BL2 | 00:24:26 |
Stage Position | 260 |
Bike | 00:47:07 |
Stage Position | 245 |
T2 | 00:01:52 |
Stage Position | 216 |
Run | 00:26:39 |
Stage Position | 144 |
Chip Time | 01:38:30 |
Chip Position | 204 |