Home > Individual Result
Charlie Willson
Race Number | 13199 |
Date | 02/10/2016 |
Gender | Male |
Gender Position | 2328 of 9327 |
Category | MSEN |
Category Position | 1017 of 3881 |
Club | |
5K | 00:22:34 |
Stage Position | 1520 |
10K | 00:46:42 |
Stage Position | 1867 |
15K | 01:10:36 |
Stage Position | 1828 |
20K | 01:34:14 |
Stage Position | 1621 |
Gun Time | 01:48:30 |
Overall Position | 2655 |
Chip Time | 01:39:02 |
Chip Position | 1623 |