Home > Individual Result
Race Number | 1403 |
Date | 23/08/2015 |
Gender | Female |
Gender Position | 31 of 114 |
Category | F35-39 |
Category Position | 5 of 19 |
Club | |
Swim | 00:11:15 |
Stage Position | 73 |
T1 | 00:03:34 |
Stage Position | 136 |
BL1 | 00:10:02 |
Stage Position | 143 |
BL2 | 00:18:07 |
Stage Position | 139 |
Bike | 00:08:43 |
Stage Position | 120 |
Bike | 00:36:50 |
Stage Position | 139 |
T2 | 00:02:41 |
Stage Position | 200 |
Run | 00:25:28 |
Stage Position | 160 |
Chip Time | 01:19:46 |
Chip Position | 141 |