Home > Individual Result
Team The Malltraeth Maidens
Race Number | 307 |
Date | 12/09/2015 |
Gender | Female |
Gender Position | 78 of 96 |
Category | F-RELAY |
Category Position | 5 of 5 |
Club | The Malltraeth Maidens |
Swim | 00:15:07 |
Stage Position | 224 |
T1 | 00:01:20 |
Stage Position | 21 |
Bike | 01:02:03 |
Stage Position | 235 |
T2 | 00:01:12 |
Stage Position | 47 |
Run | 00:44:51 |
Stage Position | 261 |
Chip Time | 02:04:31 |
Chip Position | 245 |