Home > Individual Result
Jimmy Boland
Race Number | 3723 |
Date | 05/05/2019 |
Gender | Male |
Gender Position | 5 of 1291 |
Category | MOPEN |
Category Position | 3 of 379 |
Club | CLONMEL A.C. |
3K | 00:08:29 |
Stage Position | 7 |
9K | 00:29:55 |
Stage Position | 6 |
17K | 00:57:14 |
Stage Position | 5 |
19K | 01:02:57 |
Stage Position | 5 |
Gun Time | 01:10:20 |
Overall Position | 5 |
Chip Time | 01:10:20 |
Chip Position | 6 |