Home > Individual Result
Edyta Burgess
Race Number | 48 |
Date | 16/06/2017 |
Gender | Female |
Gender Position | 116 of 135 |
Category | FV40 |
Category Position | 25 of 28 |
Club | |
Gun Time | 01:13:57 |
Overall Position | 356 |
Chip Time | 01:13:24 |
Chip Position | 355 |
Home > Individual Result
Race Number | 48 |
Date | 16/06/2017 |
Gender | Female |
Gender Position | 116 of 135 |
Category | FV40 |
Category Position | 25 of 28 |
Club | |
Gun Time | 01:13:57 |
Overall Position | 356 |
Chip Time | 01:13:24 |
Chip Position | 355 |