Home > Individual Result
Michael Thompstone
Race Number | 5058 |
Date | 08/07/2017 |
Gender | Male |
Gender Position | 84 of 190 |
Category | MOPEN |
Category Position | 41 of 69 |
Southport Half | 01:49:19 |
Stage Position | 118 |
Thurstaton | 00:48:10 |
Stage Position | 82 |
Sustrans | 01:15:09 |
Stage Position | 71 |
Raging Red Bull | 00:42:51 |
Stage Position | 166 |
Knowsley | 00:47:07 |
Stage Position | 97 |
Wirral CR | 01:45:27 |
Stage Position | 121 |
Chip Time | 07:08:03 |
Chip Position | 96 |