Home > Individual Result
Race Number | 5252 |
Date | 17/04/2016 |
Gender | Female |
Gender Position | 22 of 193 |
Category | FOPEN |
Category Position | 8 of 75 |
Club | |
Gun Time | 00:26:43 |
Overall Position | 97 |
Chip Time | 00:25:52 |
Chip Position | 87 |
Home > Individual Result
Race Number | 5252 |
Date | 17/04/2016 |
Gender | Female |
Gender Position | 22 of 193 |
Category | FOPEN |
Category Position | 8 of 75 |
Club | |
Gun Time | 00:26:43 |
Overall Position | 97 |
Chip Time | 00:25:52 |
Chip Position | 87 |